Acupuncture utilises very thin, single-use, sterile needles inserted into various points along the body’s vessel and nerve pathways. The network of acupuncture points has been developed over the long history of Chinese medicine and utilises a profound knowledge of the anatomy and vessel pathways and the effects that can be elicited from needling.
Points are carefully chosen depending on the condition and individual presentation of the patient.
There are various forms of acupuncture commonly used today. Most Acupuncturists use a combination of TCM and Five Elements in their treatments, and some short courses allow physiotherapists and other health professionals to do basic Medical Acupuncture and Dry Needling.
At Element Healthcare we use a combination of styles depending on the condition being treated. We are trained in Master Tung Acupuncture, Dr Tan’s Balance Method, DNA (Distal Needle Acupuncture), Motor Point and Trigger Point Therapy (Dry Needling) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture.
Some western health practitioners study very short courses in Medical Acupuncture which ignores much of the accumulated wisdom of the traditional approach in favour of a more simplified version. Whilst this can be effective for some muscular conditions and general endorphine release, it lacks the focus of a detailed diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine perspective.
Likewise, Dry Needling is a technique often employed by Osteopaths, Myotherapists and Physiotherapists to directly release knots and tightness in muscles via the needling of myofacial trigger points. Whilst this technique can be effective for many muscular complaints it is limited in it’s understanding of the basic underlying principles which traditional acupuncturists use.
At Element Healthcare our full degree level training ensures that patients recieve the full benefits of all available acupuncture techniques as well as additional treatment methods of cupping, moxa, ear acupuncture, massage and herbal medicine.