Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the oldest forms of internal medicine in the world and has over 2000 years of use and development using natural plants and substances. Treatments consist of the prescription of a herbal formula which is personally tailored to your particular condition. Formulas typically consists of several herbs (usually 8-12) which act together to restore balance to the body. This is one of the main strengths of Chinese Herbal Medicine as these combinations have been shown to exert a stronger effect than single herbs taken alone.
Traditional Chinese herbal formulas primarily consist of plant parts such as roots, barks, flowers, fruits, seeds and resins. I do not use any herbs of animal origin or endangered species in my practice.
Historically, raw herb prescriptions would be boiled in water and the resulting tea would be drunk. In today’s hectic lifestyle this is not always practical or possible, so I tend to prescribe pharmaceutical grade concentrated herbal granules which can be made up easily by simply adding hot water. Alternatively, capsules and pills can be given for convenience or long term use in chronic conditions.
This modern pharmaceutical approach to prescribing herbs ensures greater patient convenience and offers a more standardised approach to acheiving precise dosages of active ingredients.
All our herbal extracts are sources from approved RCHM suppliers and produced to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards to ensure safety, efficiency and consistency.
Contrary to popular belief…
Professionally trained practitioners of Chinese Herbal Medicine in the UK are tightly regulated by professional bodies and are banned from using endangered species or herbs of animal origin. The use of Rhino horn, tiger parts or bear bile or any other animal product that causes harm or cruelty, has no place in the modern practice of Chinese Medicine, despite their use in some countries.
As a member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, I DO NOT use any animal parts or endangered species in my prescriptions.
Element Healthcare is a proud supporter of the China Bear Foundation and World Rhino Day….
Contact Us
Element Health Clinic
Turnpike House
18 Bridge St, Frome
Somerset BA11 1BB
Phone: 07766 853357.
Clinic Hours
Monday : 9.00 - 18.00
Tuesday : 9.00 - 18.00
Wednesday : 9.00 - 18.00
Thursday : 9.00 - 18.00
Parking available in the main Cheese & Grain car park opposite the clinic.