Whilst the concepts of Chinese Medicine are often confusing for the lay person, a key component is the Daoist concept that everything in the universe is connected and interdependent. The same law is applied to the human body which is viewed as a whole rather than the western reductionist view of focusing on a single cause and effect.
By supporting the optimum functioning of the body, many conditions improve quickly and patients often comment on improvements in other areas of health at the same time. Treatment is personalised to the individual as well as the condition so it is rare that two people are treated in the same way even if they suffer the same condition. This flexible approach is one of the key strengths of Chinese Medicine.
The use of Chinese Medicine will usually involve a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, massage, exercise and dietary advice. However, some conditions are naturally best treated with just one or two of these approaches. For example, muscular pain is often treated with acupuncture, cupping and massage whilst other conditions have a more internal component that is best treated with herbal medicine and dietary therapy as well.